Thursday, November 02, 2006

Snow crunches under foot and the sun rises and sets behind the mountains so late and early that it seems there is an eternal pink and gold glow in the sky. Branches are coated in hoar frost like a powder sugar coated cookie. Tracks of squirrels, wolverine, hare, and bear run before my eyes all day. It was a day in the field, a day in the winter Alaska that I love. Ben and I are counting down the days until our big adventure, the welcome embrace of our families, and then the welcome smells and sounds of the other side of the world. I did a double take the other day when I mentioned the word, "Thailand." It seemed like a made up country, but soon the realities of it will unfold before our eyes. Keep checking this site after December, because Ben and I hope to post some pictures as we we begin to fumble and mumble and hopefully find a groove and move in another country.

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