This is me at work, or rather on a work adventure as a biology technician for the Forest Service. We took the Alaska railroad up 15 miles or so into the majestic Placer Valley. There we camped out for six days and bushwhacked through dense brush measuring willow and alder twigs (for a moose habitat capability study). If that doesn't have you convinced for excitement, the scenery will. All I needed to do was lift my head from measuring twigs and gaze out at the glaciers and rugget mountains surrounding us. The highlight was the float out, when we had to break through fresh ice on the lake to reach the Placer River. Then it was a wild ride that got the adrenaline flowing as we tried to manuever our zodiac with paddles through the braided channels. One other event that got adrenal glands working was hearing multiple grunting noises behind our tents just as we were settling into our sleeping bags after a long rainy day. We decided it was just a moose, but I had my hand on my bear spray...
You write beautifully laurel, cant wait to see you on tday!!!! in ttown :))
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